• JFE Engineering: Cement Waste Heat Recovery Solution Provider in India

Waste Heat Recovery

WHR System

The WHR system consists of heat recovery boilers for the Pre-heater (PH) and the Cooler section of the Cement plant, a steam turbine, a generator, and other auxiliary equipment.

  1. Exhaust gas from the suspension PH, is sent to the Pre Heater boiler, (also referred PH Boiler or SP Boiler). JFE Engineering India can offer both horizontal and vertical boiler design for the PH Boiler.
  2. Exhaust gas from the Air Quenching Cooler is sent to the Air Quenching Cooler boiler (AQC Boiler).

Maximization of heat recovery by incorporation of

  • Dual pressure system including Economizer (as may be required)
  • Mid tap from AQC

3. The superheated steam produced in each boiler drives the steam turbine generator in order to produce electric power.

4. JFE India can offer WHR solution either based on Steam Rankine Cycle or Organic Rankine Cycle

The main advantages of a WHR system:

The system uses only Waste Heat from the cement production’s residual process gas in order to generate electricity, which means there is no additional fuel requirement. WHR system maximizes the energy efficiency of the cement plant while also generating Green power that inhibits CO2 emissions. WHR system won’t affect Cement plant normal operation

Key Equipment

PH Boiler


AQC Boiler


Key Features

First boiler commissioned in 1982

Repeat orders from international clients

Till date 66 Boilers in Cement WHR corresponding to 300 MW of energy executed by JFE group

Designed and supplied one of the largest Cement WHR solution to generate 30 MWe+ (gross) in Indonesia

Commissioned WHR boilers with Organic Rankine Cycle in Europe