Cookie Policy

This website employs cookies, which are small files composed of letters and numbers stored on the device you utilise. While these alphanumeric combinations do not personally identify individuals, they facilitate device recognition and traffic analysis. This policy elucidates the intent and categorization of cookies in use.

Types and contents of cookies used

This website uses the following two types of cookies, for the following purposes.

(1) Necessary Cookies

Necessary cookies are essential for seamless navigation across the website and the utilisation of diverse functionalities. Disabling necessary cookies may restrict your access to secure pages on the site. This type of cookie does not lead to personal identification based on the gathered information. Refer to the table below for further insights into necessary cookies.


Name of cookie

Purpose of use

Storage period

“Session Maintenance” Cookies for Synergy Inquiry System

To maintain sessions

Automatically deleted once the query has been submitted via the inquiry form

“Action history acquisition” Cookies for Synergy Inquiry System

To collect session action history

90 days


(2) First-Party Analytical Cookies

These cookies enable the functionality of Google Analytics, allowing us to assess website browsing patterns and enhance overall site performance. These cookies do not collect personal identification information. Refer to the table below for more details on first-party analytical cookies.
Name of cookie Purpose of use Storage period
Google Analytics cookies Access analysis From 1 day to 2 years
As previously mentioned, this website utilizes Google Analytics, a website access analysis service provided by Google. Google Analytics employs cookies to analyze website browsing activity and produce reports. Information about website browsing, gathered through Google Analytics cookies, is stored on Google’s servers. Data collected by Google Analytics cookies is automatically removed from Google’s servers after a 26-month period.

Cookies and browser setting

You can restrict or reject the collection of cookies by changing your browser settings.

You can also download and install “Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on” at Google’s opt-out browser add-on download page , and disable Google Analytics by changing the add-on settings for your browser.

If you disable Google Analytics, Google Analytics also will be disabled on websites other than this site, but you can re-enable Google Analytics by resetting it.
For details regarding Google Analytics.

Cookies and browser setting

You can restrict or reject the collection of cookies by changing your browser settings.

You can also download and install “Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on” at Google’s opt-out browser add-on download page , and disable Google Analytics by changing the add-on settings for your browser.

If you disable Google Analytics, Google Analytics also will be disabled on websites other than this site, but you can re-enable Google Analytics by resetting it.
For details regarding Google Analytics.

Policy change / Contact

The information on this page is subject to change without prior notice. In the event of any updates, the most recent version will be made available on this website. Should you have any inquiries or uncertainties regarding this cookie policy, or if you wish to exercise your rights related to accessing, correcting, erasing, restricting processing, or data portability of your personal data (including cookies), kindly reach out to us using the contact form provided at the following link Contact Us